Navigating Implant Longevity with Dr.

Discover when and if you need to change your implants.

Although durable, breast implants are not lifetime devices. Knowing when to consider a change is essential to preserving health and aesthetic satisfaction. At Dr. Chad Wu’s clinic in Richmond Hill, Midtown and Downtown Toronto, patients are guided through this process with expertise and care.

The replacement question generally arises between 10 and 15 years, but this is a flexible rule. Dr. Chad Wu insists that individual experience varies and that several signs may indicate the need for change. These include implant rupture, which is more easily detected in saline implants, and the progressive “silent rupture” of silicone implants, detectable by MRI.

Capsular contracture, where scar tissue hardens around the implant, causing discomfort and aesthetic changes, is another reason patients at Dr. Chad Wu’s clinic may consider a replacement. In addition, aesthetic preferences evolve; what suited you ten years ago may no longer match your current desires or changes in lifestyle, prompting you to visit Dr. Chad Wu’s clinic in Richmond Hill, Midtown and Downtown Toronto.

Regular check-ups at Dr. Chad Wu’s clinics ensure that your implants work as intended, providing peace of mind and timely intervention when needed. It’s all about ensuring your well-being and satisfaction, reflecting the high standards of care at Dr. Chad Wu’s clinics in Richmond Hill, Midtown and Downtown Toronto.

To book a breast augmentation consultation, please visit – Breast augmentation or call us – at (647) 957-7688.

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    with Dr. Chad Wu