Breast lift in Downtown Toronto

Lifted, perky and youthful breasts to restore your confidence.

As women age, their breasts tend to change. They may sag or lose their shape. The areola may also enlarge. This phenomenon also occurs after childbirth or breastfeeding. Women who have lost a lot of weight may also experience sagging breasts. For these reasons, the breasts lose their elasticity and volume. These problems can be resolved with a breast lift known as mastopexy. Dr. Chad Wu performs this surgery at his Downtown Toronto private plastic surgery clinic to modify the shape of the breasts.

What is a breast lift?

A breast lift or mastopexy is a surgical procedure that reshapes the patient’s breasts to give them a rounder, firmer appearance. Extra skin around the breast is removed during the procedure, while the areola size is reduced. Often referred to as a mastopexy, this procedure restores a firmer, more youthful appearance to the breasts. It is also part of the overall package of procedures, and many women combine it with other surgeries to achieve fuller breasts and a more attractive physique.

At his Downtown Toronto private plastic surgery clinic, Dr. Chad Wu offers experience and knowledge. He is equipped with state-of-the-art tools and techniques. He fully understands the patient’s requirements to ensure the results meet their expectations.

Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery in Downtown Toronto

If your breasts are sagging considerably and your nipples are pointing downwards, a breast lift would help reposition the breast tissue so that the nipples point forward. There are many advantages to this procedure. Here are just a few of them:

  • Improved appearance of breasts, which tend to appear rounder and fuller.
  • Increased self-confidence thanks to improved appearance.
  • No limits on clothing options. Clothes fit better, and you feel better.
  • A solution to sagging, drooping breasts that result in poor nipple projection.

To book your breast lift consultation with Dr. Chad Wu at his Downtown Toronto private plastic surgery clinic, please visit – Breast lift or call us – at (647) 957-7688.

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    with Dr. Chad Wu