Can breast augmentation alone lift sagging breasts?

Discover the advantages of breast augmentation in Downtown Toronto.

A breast augmentation will not entirely correct sagging breasts, as it focuses on the size and shape of the breasts rather than their position. However, the effect on position will also depend on the quality of your tissues.

Generally, younger patients without significant weight changes have good-quality tissue. The supporting tissue of their breasts can retain its new position over the long term after being manipulated during surgery. The amount of healthy tissue and skin you have can also influence your candidacy for breast augmentation, as it’s more difficult for Dr. Chad Wu to increase breast volume with small, loose pockets to contain them. Dr. Chad Wu performed all his breast procedures at his Downtown Toronto clinic, offering patients a welcoming space for their surgery.

If you feel that breast augmentation is the only option for achieving your dream results, but you only have a small amount of breast skin, Dr. Chad Wu can use techniques similar to those used by his breast reconstruction patients to help you achieve your desired goal. Your candidacy for breast augmentation also depends on the degree of sagging you suffer from. At his downtown clinic in Toronto, Dr. Chad Wu will spend time understanding your goals and determining the best techniques for you to choose from.

If your concerns go further than a slight malformation of the shape and are instead directed towards a moderate droop or more, you’ll need additional efforts other than implants alone.

Degrees of breast ptosis (nipple droop):

  • Grade 1: Mild shape deformations – this is usually seen in younger patients experiencing hormonal changes are easily corrected with small implants of less than 200 cc.
  • Grade 2: moderate sagging – skin laxity with the first signs of sagging of breast tissue and skin. This is typical of young mothers breastfeeding for the first time.
  • Grade 3: Considerable sagging – Typically caused by pregnancy or weight fluctuation and may require an increase in cup size to maintain the fullness of sagging breasts.
  • Grade 4: Allotropic skin – This is when collagen levels are low and generally affects older women who have been through menopause and multiple pregnancies.

If patients only have slight shape malformation, implants alone will address their concerns. If patients present with moderate or more severe sagging, Dr. Chad Wu will recommend breast augmentation and lift rather than breast augmentation.

In short, the determining factors in deciding whether you are an ideal candidate for implants to improve the shape of your breasts are as follows:

  • Your aging process
  • The quality of your breast tissue
  • Your goals in terms of results
  • Your current degree of breast ptosis
  • The amount of healthy breast tissue and skin you have.

After thoroughly assessing your breasts at his downtown Toronto clinic, Dr. Chad Wu will help you decide on a surgical plan that suits your needs.

To book, please visit – Breast Augmentation or call us – at (647) 957-7688.

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