Breast Reduction – Reduce large breasts for a more comfortable feel

Dr Chad Wu performs breast reduction surgery at his private plastic surgery clinic in downtown Toronto.

Large breasts can seriously affect lifestyle and daily activities – causing neck pain, upper back pain and pulling on the front of the chest, while bra straps can create deep grooves in the shoulders. Similarly, heat rashes, known as intertrigo, can develop under large, pendulous breasts.

Seeing the transformation in a woman’s life that a skillfully performed breast reduction produces is always a joy for everyone involved. Losing weight and reducing the size and discomfort of the breasts enables a lifestyle change from sedentary to active. This means that further weight loss is often possible once regular exercise becomes possible and enjoyable.

Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of excess skin and tissue to help reduce the painful physical symptoms of huge breasts. Dr Chad Wu performs breast reduction surgery at his private plastic surgery clinic in downtown Toronto.

How is Breast reduction performed?

Under general anaesthesia, large or heavy breasts can be reduced in size by removing excess skin, fat and glandular tissue. The nipple is lifted, and the breast tissue is remodelled to form smaller, less drooping breasts. Breast reduction surgery is generally necessary when the size of the breasts is too large for the body’s morphology or when the breasts are unequal. Liposuction can reduce breasts or excess fat on the side of the chest. Dr Chad Wu performs breast reduction surgery at his private plastic surgery clinic in downtown Toronto.

Ready for a youthful look and comfortable feel? Dr Chad Wu offers a transformative breast reduction experience at his private plastic surgery clinic in downtown Toronto.

To book, please visit – Breast Reduction or call us – at (647) 957-7688.

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    with Dr. Chad Wu